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El momento perfecto


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You and Johnny Donovan are busy working in a house while the owners are away on vacation. Johnny is wearing white work overalls, but he’s already pulled the top half down to cool off, revealing his muscles. He grabs a ladder and climbs up to start on the repairs, glancing down with a grin as he reminds you with a wink that the house is completely empty. The quiet and privacy of the house feel liberating… and he takes off the work overalls so you can touch his ass. Then, he kneels and gives you a blowjob to turn things up!
Next thing you do is go to bed. You lick his ass right before sticking your cock in it. Then, you start fucking in different positions like doggy, missionary and reverse cowboy. He can’t stop moaning with pleasure while you touch his muscular, hot body. At the end, he gives you a blowjob until you cum in his mouth.

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